Mallika Sherwat’s New Mentor To Curtail Sexy Exposure

Well the buzz about Mallika Sherawat’s restriction to do a skin-coloured bikini shoot for her forthcoming snake flick ‘Hissss’ at Madh Island was forcibly disrupted by her brother Vikram Lamba, stated to be true. Nowadays Mallika's brother Vikram is into deep concern of his sister’s act in unnecessary overexposure on screen. May be brotherly love has erupted now after her long showcase as a sex symbol on screen.

Mallika Sherwat’s New Mentor To Curtail Sexy Exposure

The incident occurred when during shoot of the final climax of her forthcoming film ‘Hissss ‘at Madh Island where Mallika's brother Vikram who is one of the producers of the film, barged onto the set and compelled the unit to call off the shoot in her skin-coloured bikini attire. He burst with uproar on the sets shouting at the crew to stop the shooting, while the body double ran off to the vanity van in scare. Reportedly, the actual sequence was to reflect Mallika in a close-up and to shoot two naked full body shots of the double and to highlight her leaning on a branch of a tree. But when Vikram saw her in blasphemous bikini according to the source report he was outraged and said, "My sister will not wear such a short, blasphemous bikini.” This sudden act from her brother took every crew and co-producer Govind Menon aback and had to pack up even after trying to make him understand. Even his sister Mallika tried to pacify him saying that she is comfortable in her attire but he could not be cooled until it was replaced by a longer, skin-coloured bikini.It seems Mallika’s days of freedom to wear sexy outlook is over!


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